Monday, November 30, 2009

Оддын дайн

Найруулагч Жорж Лукасын маш өвөрмөц кино болох Оддын дайн 20 жилийн турш алдаршсан. Тэр үргэлж Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, The return of the Jedi гэсэн 3 зохиол бичиж үүнийгээ тийм ч сайн биш гээж боддог байсан. Дэлгэцэнд гарснаас жилийн дараа уг кино маш адал явдалтай мөн гайхалтай ая нь маш сэтгэл хөдөлгөсөн байсан. Энэ гурвалсан зохиол нь сайн муугийн хоорондох тэмцлийн тухай харуулсан сонгодог зохиол юм. Гэсэн хэдий ч дэлхий дээрх үйл явдлын оронд холын хол дахь огторгуйд болсон явдлын тухай юм. Энэ нь зөвхөн хүн төрөлхтөнд хамаатай бус айдас, баяр баясгалан, робот болон харь гаригийн хүмүүсийг хамарсан юм. Тус зохиолын гол дүрд Luke Skywalker. Han Solo, liya бөгөөд эдгээр хүмүүс нь орчлон ертөнцийг өөрийн болгон удирдах хүсэлтэй муу санаатны эсрэг тэмцэгчид юм. Harrison Ford, Carrie fisher , Alec Guinness, Mark hamill нь бусад жүжигчдээ бодвол илүү их үүрэг гүйцэтгэсэн. Лазран зэвсэг болон дайчин роботууд нь маш том тулааныг хийдэг. Мотоциклоор араас нь хөөх нь чамд ер бусын санагдана. Мөн харийн хүн болон өөр газар нутгийг бүхэлд нь харна. Жорж Лукас хэлэхдээ”би Star Wars-г хийхдээ орчин үеийн үлгэр мэтээр маш сонирхолтой хийсэн ”. Грек домогт болон Грекийн нутаг дэвсгэрт үл мэдэгдэх газар байдаг бөгөөд бид тэнд байсан. Энэ гайхалтай зохиолоор Лукас амжилтанд хүрсэн ба үүнийг хэзээ ч мартахгүй. Хэрвээ энэ киног үзсэн бол Лукасын хүссэнээр Star Wars нь эргэлзээгүй сайн болж чаджээ.

Advanced about future

You think imagine what our lives will be like in the year 2050? I am imagining future but that is with good and bad side. I think some progress has got bad side. This bad side does not know notice. Our life is guess. However we always imagine nice life.

I think future's technology will have developed very well. And there will have originated lot of thing. The many people don't worry about the future but some people fear about the future. However you must not be afraid of difficulties because the will be to waiting us delightful future.

By the 2050 doctor will have determined methods to cure new disease because scientist will be using new technology the best thing you can do is to.
By the time we need not buy medicine.
By the year 2050 we will be eating ready-made as robots will be doing cooking mostly in addition we will eating high quality food because production quality foods will have increased However health of people will get worse than nowadays because will have to add calorie is foods.
So we will have to expand very well the free time.
By the year 2050 we will be living in a flying house because technology will have developed very well. However there will not be populated places and there will have appeared messy situation.
By the year 2050, there will be decreased traffic jam in cities because they will have become flying cars. Furthermore space exploration will become increasingly popular as fifty percent of people will have traveled to Mars. However all camp won't have opened since will have traveled to space.
In the future environment will be more convenient than today to live because scientist will have invented new techniques due to NANO technologies. Furthermore people will enjoy environment as it will have became nice to live. On the other hand, all things will get a virtual from now since computers will have been doing all things inside of us.
By the year 2050 relationship will have developed because computer will have become mobile Furthermore some people will have lived in the mars so we will have connected easily to Mars. On the other hand maybe this technology will have negative effects for humans.
I strongly advise you to study wireless equipments.

We are a bit live. So we needed believe the future. Hope this advice is of come help to you.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Summer holiday.

This year my summer vacation was different of my last vacations. I travelled exciting, beautiful and historical places of Mongolia with my friends. We felt what a amazing and fabulous our country is. With beautiful countryside, exciting friendly people and fantastic Deserts this holiday had everything.

The first place we stopped at was Erdenet city in north of Mongolia. The weather was hot there. We stayed a lovely guest-house in the town centre. In Mongolian Erdenet means "precious treasure". This city is famous for its copper mine. Erdenet is set in a really lovely valley with wooded hills in each side. Erdenet boast one of Mongolia's rare public indoor Olympic sized swimming pools which has a very nice sauna we rested. Also Erdenet is a hotbed of Mongolia's Christian movement and we arrived a church that was started here in the early 1990.The food of there was delicious such as horhog and special salads.

The next place on the tour was Khubsgul Lake. It is known as "The dark blue pearl", Lake Khubsgul is Mongolia's largest and deepest lake. We stayed there marvelous site by the lake. The weather was warm and sunny. We learnt about shamanism, the traditional shamanistic rituals of the darkhad, the unique life of the tsaatan, and explored the beautiful nature around Khubsgul lake by horse. We also followed the cultural events on the ship "Sukhbaatar", visited the villiage of tsaatan and enjoyed the mini naadams. I loved it.

The last place we visited in Gobi desert. The Gobi desert is one of the world's great deserts, covers much of the southern part of Mongolia. We stayed there with special nomadic family. The weather was there extreme. We visited the Great Gobi National Park which contains the last remaining wild Bacterian (two humped) camels, wild ass, and a small population of Gobi bears, the only desert-inhabiting bear. I take photo with a camel, which was unforgetful. We also drank "hoormog" which tasted specially and good for health.

Finally we went to Ulaanbaatar capital of Mongolia with a population of 1.000.000 also the largest city in Mongolia. We stayed "Flower" hotel which is one of the famous hotels in UB. There was many sightseeing such as Gandan Monastery, Natural History Museum, Sukhbaatar square and Zaisan memorial. I and my friends were in Gandan Monastery, we fed a dove. We also took rare photos in Natural History Museum and saw over the whole night city in Zaisan Memorial. The food was very tasty and healthy. The restaurant was really comfortable which we visited. Also people of Ulaanbaatar were warm-hearted.

This holiday was fantastic. So when you have time, you have to travel by the beautiful and exciting places of your homeland. I am sure you love it.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


1c 2a 3b 4b 5c 6b 7b 8a 9a 10c
11a 12c 13b 14a 15a 16b 17c 18a 19b 20a
21c 22b 23b 24b 25c 26a 27a 28a 29a 30b
31c 32b 33b 34a 35c 36a 37c 38b 39a 40a
41a 42c 43c 44b 45b 46a 47b 48a 49c 50b
51b 52a 53c 54c 55a 56b 57a 58c 59a 60c
61c 62a 63b 64a 65b 66c 67a 68c 69b 70b
71c 72a 73b 74c 75a 76c 77a 78b 79b 80b

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Zohion bichelg 1

Dear Teacher.
He is one of Mongolian excellent student. He is very successful student who has good studying English. He is study is MUST. He is good engineer futurity. His name is Munkhtsogt.
He is tall and well builds. His has got dark hair and glaring green eyes. He is good looks and he always free style clothes but he sometimes casual clothes.
He is more than just another hungry face but he has got very friendly person. He is humorous person but he sometimes games very hard. His round people always smile. He is helpful. On the other hand, he tends to be arrogant at times. He is sensible person who does not lead glamorous life.
When he has free time, he enjoys reading about English, Mathematics and Programs. He loves sports. He can play basketball, football and tennis. His also enjoys listening to music and has a huge the film DVD collections. He is creative person but him sometimes lazy.
He is gamesome person but when it comes to her beliefs he is not afraid to speak her mind. He has strong views on the environment. He loves nature. His nature forgets never. He says that people is killer nature.
Munkhtsogt is talented as well as a handsome young engineer. he believes that working hard is the only way to succeed in life.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Mini test 5
1. 1b 2c 3a 4b 5 6a 7b 8 9b 10
11c 12a 13b 14a 15a 16a 17b 18c 19a 20a
21c 22c 23a 24c 25c 26c 27c 28a 29b 30c
31a 32b 33a 34c 35c 36c 37b 38c
2. 1-make 2-produce3-smoke 4-fumes 5-easily
6-hardly 7-freezing 8-cold 9-saved 10-repaired
3. 1k 2l 3b 4m 5a 6j 7n 8c 9h 10d 11g 12e 13f 14i
4. 1-Diana said to Mark that Paul was wearing black sunglasses.
2-Bill said that he would buy a newspaper.
3-Clive said that George had eaten all the chocolates.
4-Tom asked Sam what he was favorite color.
5-Anna asked Claire if she liked strawberries.
5. 1d 2e 3f 4i 5j 6a 7b 8g 9c 10h
6. 1d 2b 3e 4a 5c
7. 1a 2a 3a 4c 5c 6a 7b 8d 9b 10c

Monday, April 13, 2009

mini test4

Mini test

1b 2a 3b 4a 5c 6a 7b 8b 9b 10a
11a 12b 13a 14a 15c 16c 17b 18a 19b 20c
21c 22b 23c 24b 25a 26c 27c 28a 29c 30a
31b 32b 33c 34b 35-hasn’t been posted 36-are treated
37-shouldn’t be kept
38-will be visited 39-was baked 40-was stolen 41-is made
42-have been sent
43-is sold 44-must be written
45-is spoken 46-was discovered
47b 48f 49d 50e 51c 52a 53b 54e 55c 56e 57e 58a 59a
60.61-Angkor War is located in Camdodia , South East Asia.
62.63-There are many wonderful sculptureson the walls that show dancers and musicians of the 12th century.
64.65- In 1431, Angkor was destroyed by the thais.
66.67-In 1860, Henri Mouhot, a French explorer, made Angkor Wat well known to the world.
68.69-In 1908 they began a restoration project which hasn’t been completed yet.
70-chapel 71-chamber 72-matches 73-strange 74-knife 75-can
76-have to
77-mustn’t 78-could 79-can